In this tutorial we are going to explain you how to compile Asterisk on Slackware from source code.
There are existing Slackware packages, but they are not officially supported in the distribution. They could be downloaded from here (Asterisk version 1.2.1)
We are using test machine with installed Slackware 10.0 on it.
1) Requirements
All the packages you need could be found on the Slackware install disks.
To manage the packages use the native Slackware tools pkgtool and installpkg.
Standard compilation tools:
* gcc
* make
* diffutils
* binutils
Required packages for the Asterisk compilation:
* Linux kernel header files.
* bison
* ncurses
* zlib
* openssl
* subversion (optional: if you want the latest source code) - this is missing on Slackware 10.1 and the older versions.
If you need some extra packages they could be obtained from The Slackware website -> section Packages, or you could search them by name - here.
1.1) Subversion setup.
If you do not have an installed Subversion, download the Slackware package from here.
Subversion-1.2.3 requires glibc >= 2.3.3.
If your Slackware is version 10.1 or greater this dependency is satisfied. If not, you can use glibc-2.3.4-i486-1 or glibc-2.3.6-i486-1
In order to install a Subversion and/or glibc use installpkg:
# installpkg subversion-1.2.3-i486-1.tgz
# installpkg glibc-2.3.4-i486-1.tgz or glibc-2.3.6-i486-1.tgz
2) Getting Asterisk
Download tarballs
At the time of this writing the official releases are:
The sources codes could be obtained also from the SVN repository. Follow the steps below:
# mkdir /usr/src/asterisk
# cd /usr/src/asterisk
For the latest SVN Head version:
# svn checkout libpri
# svn checkout zaptel
# svn checkout asterisk
For the latest stable version 1.2:
# svn checkout libpri-1.2
# svn checkout zaptel-1.2
# svn checkout asterisk-1.2
3) Compiling Asterisk
Please, follow the commands and read carefully the hints. Also it is a good idea to take a look at all the READMEs in each package directory.
If you choose to download the tarballs, then create the following directory: /usr/src/asterisk
# mkdir /usr/src/asterisk
and put the tarballs inside. Then decompress the archives by using the following commands:
# tar zxvf package_name-version.tar.gz
IMPORTANT: Follow this installation order: 1.Libpri, 2.Zaptel and 3.Asterisk.
First compile the libpri:
# cd /usr/src/asterisk/libpri-1.2.2
# make clean
# make
# make install
Continue with the zaptel package:
# cd /usr/src/asterisk/zaptel-1.2.3
# make clean
# make linux26 (optional) - if you are using kernel 2.6
# make
# make install
Finally compile the Asterisk
If you want to optimize the compilation of Asterisk, take a look at the top of the Makefile.
Go to the asterisk source directory - # cd /usr/src/asterisk/asterisk-1.2.4
If you are using VIA motherboards, Asterisk may detect your processor as i686 instead of i586. In this case you must to edit the Makefile. Remove the comment (#) from the following PROC line:
# Pentium & VIA processors optimize
# PROC=i586
Now execute the following commands:
# make clean
# make mpg123 (Note: Install only the mpg123 packages which are coming with the Asterisk package! (ver. 0.59r))
# make
# make install
If this is your first installation you have to execute the 'make samples' command in order to install the sample configuration files.
There is a startup script for Slackware. You could copy it into /etc/rc.d :
In order to get the preferable Idefisk version, please follow this link.
For the installation, use a directory, where you have the rights to write!.
Inside, create a subdirectory. For example we will use the home directory of a regular Linux user.
$ cd ~
$ mkdir idefisk - put the Idefisk archive inside
$ tar zxvf idefisk.tar.gz
$ sudo cp /usr/lib
$ su < type your root password >
# cp /usr/lib - you may copy in /usr/local/lib if you prefer
# ldconfig
# exit
$ ./idefisk
4.2) Possible errors and solutions
4.2.1) If you get an error like:
" No such file or directory"
Please check for the libexpat in the /usr/lib directory
If you do not have the<some version> file, try to install "again" the expat.
Next step: create a symlink named which has to point to the file (the version numbers may be different). To do this use:
# cd /usr/lib
# ln -s
4.2.2) Audio devices errors
Check permissions. Use:
ls -l <device name>, /dev/dsp
To set thepermissions of your sound devices use:
# chmod 660 /dev/dsp
# chmod 666 /dev/dsp
For the mixer device replace /dev/dsp with /dev/mixer