Installing Asterisk Graphical User Interface - AsteriskNow
This tutorial is meant to guide you during the installation of "Asterisk GUI".The Digium's Asterisk GUI is available only for version 1.4 of Asterisk. This tool is part of Digium's most recent project - AsteriskNow.
1. Requirements
In order to install "Asterisk GUI" you'll need:
Concurrent Versions System (CVS)
asterisk 1.4 - and all modules needed to compile and install asterisk 1.4
2. Preparation
Go to your installation directory (for example '/usr/src') and download the latest version of asterisk-gui. To do this just execute the command:
By executing this command the sources of Asterisk GUI will be downloaded (see our sample output log svn.log) into ./asterisk-gui/ directory.
3. Compiling and installing
Enter this directory and compile the sources by executing the command `make`
Then distribute the compiled code by executing the command `make install`. With this step you will finish the installation of the asterisk-gui (see our sample output log make_install.log).
4. Configuration
It is recommended to back up your configuration files before you continue. To achieve this just copy /etc/asterisk under different name:
cp -r /etc/asterisk /etc/asterisk.backup
It is recommended to `install samples`. This command will modify some of your Asterisk configuration files. After that you'll have finish the configuration modification manually.
After that run `make checkconfig` in your asterisk-gui directory. This script will check if your GUI is correctly configured.
5. Running asterisk-gui
In order to load the asterisk-gui, asterisk must restart/reload. You can reload your Asterisk server from your CLI console by executing the command `reload`. You can use asterisk-gui from these addresses ( is our Asterisk server IP address):